Holiday push: Nonprofits drive hard into critical holiday fundraising season

Desmond DiGiovanni hands rice to volunteer John Garcia during a Thanksgiving effort coordinated in part by the local United Way.

Desmond DiGiovanni hands rice to volunteer John Garcia during a Thanksgiving effort coordinated in part by the local United Way.

Mary Moore Reporter – Boston Business Journal


Heads of nonprofit agencies whose budgets depend heavily on holiday giving are counting on strong — and, in some cases, new — outreach to meet this season’s ambitious fundraising goals.

Among the Boston-area nonprofits that come quickly to mind during Thanksgiving and Christmas — Pine Street Inn, Rosie’s Place, The Home For Little Wanderers, Greater Boston Food Bank, The Salvation Army and Boys Girls Clubs of Boston — upward of 75 percent of annual fundraising comes between mid-November and the first week of January.

“It’s huge. Not unlike the retail season, this is a big time for organizations,” said …

Non-Profits, Philanthropy, Higher Education


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