Let me like he went and what it Mikey — guys at 77790. We didn’t. — on the go beyond Sports Radio.
I’ve got my — before you folks at let’s talk about some stuff. Whatever you want it doesn’t matter because this is the overall prevailing attitude on the program which typically. — when he knows this he’s been coming on the show for years John. And I can costs of Mikey please can costs Torre has sent two of with the securities it — you know how many concussions and — in my life. Now like five. All helmet helmet — rent what are. — and and I was out in relation to your broken — 9995. Knows yet. Died for I think Clinton had a reduction of one of those chops and MySpace saga now. Those concussions and and all the broken — probably — you can combative young man to — Seven years 47 points already this isn’t just probably closer. — in time right. So you don’t get out I mean that I had a lot of fights. Now here’s the thing. I’m not a I’m a lover not a fighter I know that’s what surprises me but here’s the thing. I have that kind of face certain people just want to punch yet obvious good — it. I learned that overtime but the drinking would be involved — some of them. Couple of but there were ones that happened way before even never had my first injury area like I had a lot of situations where. You know kind of a wise ass I don’t meet him out of — Nasty person I don’t think now but I say think — to his people up and I’ve had people just punch because they liked my face.
Well yeah I’ve been in your company’s number times socially right I know you Hugh Hewitt you would do anything derogatory or anything like that you might get a fight. But it’s it’s not because they have a face that daylight punch by the way. Nine broken noses. 1111. More — any triples. The way speaking of things hustling to do that speaking of fighting not involved in a fight to stand but Shawn Thornton scoring on penalty shot now are tied in Winnipeg at two in the second.
added up 6177790. Way to do what we’re talking about tonight for those have you adjusted contributing. — is a multitude of different subjects really truly. We had a great interview Pedro Martinez today on the radio on the big show with Michael Holley and Glen — way and Pedro is coming to town for charity event. Spent a lot of time on the air talk about each each each pitcher this that the other thing each and every thing that happened during his career that we points of interest most guys. A good job bringing up almost different things well. But if you wanna hear that interview I’m sure you can hear it in its entirety. On W eEye dot com. What’s that noise in here. Someone’s — Are you hearing music.
Yes. It. There it is.
There might be mine. Is that yeah that’s the tax. That’s usually you have Christmas songs when you actually know what that is I had done this — is that I — it was background is if in the control room it’s — dead last except that. About we should have let — go to some and that’s everybody’s disarm when he — on the show you know so — level listens to — so I just wanted to — two guys on listed as could be don’t want to have that happen. We’re also of course I — on the record as saying that the apparent. Many times as saying the patriots will be to Green Bay Packers group. What do you guys think about this feel good story sad story that is where his son Michael Philbin. Rounds. In a river like that this guy — going to be able to concentrate really truly —
Now I would I would give him at the weekend off com. Or out you know obviously leave it at the ham and most like he’s gonna say is I’ll be better off com. I’ll be better off coaching right. Com just like you know what when when I go through things some point that writing is always been therapeutic and escaped yeah yeah. Up and — so — I would think he’s going to be building — up to him. If you wanted to show up and have a cup of coffee just once again — but it it’s it’s very sad story. Friday John and I not to be too morbid John and I were talking just about. You know people dying young com. Recently and at Iowa forever it seems and you know I read the — might see. Does the person who died I might write about new tenacity that I knew — right through college — pro series — right come so easily redirect. But — cnet’s — Jones so many obituaries lately. Of young people dying. — there was a beautiful stroke at the globe today beautiful blonde woman. Dirty three’s though. Died unexpectedly or suddenly those two words keep up and up the area that was secure it from Natick high school last week hockey player. Is not a good not a good player always won again on the ice right finally gets chance — on the ice 38 seconds. Collapses dies they don’t know what happened I don’t know if — aren’t sure — that’s toughness they — that’s half com and now the Philbin thing I mean it relates.
Yeah any time anybody does of the young — always tragic — it’s just so much worse when you hear about it you know and it’s. I had I was just reads beacon that in your Paper the metros that uses read the victories. Those same page and it was Sunday’s Paper. The same page they had an obituary for guy who’s but 65 Vietnam vet. And then right next to a guy 87. There was a World War II veteran and it was both of them are very touching obituaries to read your. Because these guys are both very proud veterans what about it and come back said he does and you Iwo jima that that he empty he’s — on our march in the Memorial Day. Operate every single year in memory of his friends that didn’t come back. He did — was like eighty you know every single year I’m marching in the parade yeah.
I know a lot of World War II guys who apps in Korea ties that that absolutely. — moved by it and same with with cops and firemen to — traveled to you know funeral of idea of who brother. You know miles amounts way out of state. This a great deal loyalties. With soldiers. In with fire and in police offices. Because through — what they do line of duty and landed — being warrants were issued — duties stay alive today Vietnam and Samsung did some didn’t. But you know and evolve. You not to just too much attention Victor guys in this serves all have wants series those who saw.
Actually yeah yeah it is — of world — yeah you know you watched the yeah you watch a movie. Like saving Ryan a private — and then you go back and you watch this say you’re one of what’s in the History Channel yes the cholera ward yeah that’s how the actual feel it’s amazing how much. How well that movie was done in in replicating. Like the enormity storming the beach enormity is on the nature of the actual video the film — how it’s eerily. Just slightly at its its amazing in — that great generation there was a lot of those guys guys overeat. Or older group on irony. — let’s go open up the phone lines to all of — 6177790850. Let’s talk patriots. Let’s talk Celtics let’s — always and sure why that lets talk about the Baseball Hall of Fame in advance. Of the 2013 class when he got radio of the planet Mikey show.
not talk about it and then. No bills mark he he works parties and shown great loyalty to our program and I know that this is an important. Season him as they’ll Lauren and that he he you know doesn’t want. Want to do or they can help the team like we all do I think he’ll do — leeward. —
Pretty small list. You know there really is obviously Hank aaron’s on it and Willie Mays. Frank Thomas lifetime batting average 30 once he’s on the list — twelve triples. Or even fewer than many. Who had twenty it is it is in in total in his career. But if you take out the big guys like — still broad. You know who still had 24 triples more than made it to 56 lifetime batting average take up those slugs. And it’s a really really small list. And only Frank Thomas. I was surprised fewer I was — that you’re told me 2626. Except. Of course on the — our good buddy — in Medford Margaret. When you do it in on head to Baltimore and a few weeks Yemeni — suggestions.
Don’t drink the water — will be women. Anti. I wasn’t planning on either of those but thanks for that — you — Sydney harbor. — upstate at the airport going down with — abusing my daughter’s.
Well a good — if the day you’ll want to. There’s just not fine probably but you brought this up. Mean it would Baltimore two years ago we went there the visit — my mom and sister my nephew. And we stayed in fells point. And the place is Golden State him as a general cells in and the — Paul’s point — right across the street diagonally problem. The building of the used to the homicide. Life you don’t murder on this through the Motorola.
Okay. So you restate it ran across replacement there’s a lot of murders taking place.
Baltimore. Airport Mikey bought the — is not very safe city. If you let the wire and yes he’s the one and it is dangerous city. And I am black and I’m — this so. It’s and so of that but anyway so we checked into the — in. And were in there and the guy goes but he would you like it inside remark outside room. I don’t think — cruise ship took it outside and a look at the wind up together too because well pirates are in town. There was a pirate convention going on. Not Pittsburgh Pirates now like old guys with — Not eaten — lakes. — citizens it was rated RI. Ed class. Systems that killed. And the women were wearing these corset and ensure that they at a woman’s body and gravity they should not have been wearing them the rights. The only good big was that there was a ship. From one of the pirates of the Caribbean right there at Harvard he could take a tour — cool.
like pirates. It’s weird Marvin but I’m I’m like into pirates. OK well whatever floats your boat quite yet well that it’s pretty pretty nice tie in. For some reason pirates are cool I’ve got books about pirates especially you know people realize New England. Back in the day was quite a haven for pirates — you know it really was and of course not it doesn’t compared to the Caribbean. Realm between Florida the Caribbean but. There were — there were. That we have our share of pirates commended to the north coast of North America and — you — up with the route runners were pirates — sixteen hundreds early seventeen hundreds this says this area was filled with them. Johnny Johnny Depp was around before and I don’t know how they got all the way to Pittsburgh in contention more and went to was a and you know would prove that it was called new target but third. Yes. — can’t believe you couldn’t get it. Mod Squad. Clarence Williams. Mike got that I got that right there was the first one I imagine can I had to rush out Peggy Lipton yet and who married you. I don’t know why Rosie Jones. Bingo. — she was yeah. You know I hated — she is married to Mr. — I don’t hurt his first name was Lipton or did you.
But the other thing — call the call about was that I really really really believe that. The patriots. Are going to do this thing on Sunday and they are going to. And about the better but it could be a good game it’s going to be a two touchdown maybe three touchdown victory.
Okay — good day for the pats — have you — argument a good game competitively not such a good game for.
The lord now but the thing it gives me is that the guys aren’t such a role and I — when these people who haven’t played a sport. It’s all luck and timing when the ball rolling your way it went precept and — called.
He’s on a one game — like when I watched him pass. At the end of that last game and I saw the you know how the wobble lead the weird throwing form in the wobbly — throws the ball — throws a right into the guy’s arms and — I think it at that was meant to happen somehow. But you don’t you didn’t do it of course he’s listed it. What do I don’t nobody can throw touchdowns — that kind of throw. But I got — four.
My unscrupulous — that thing and tonight — you during one game — all of these. But Christian players on the red — in the senate to.
All right send it along my friend and a Marvin any feeling about the other ravens it’s your Baltimore got.
My sister who was the bank officer invited me and my son down. Could that game against the patriot when he went — when they went. Compete that they almost wouldn’t they went and on beat it unbeaten unbeaten. And beaten my sister — curb bank at a box but she invited him a son to come down but I couldn’t get the time that — you remember that game that they yeah.
him the question was what do you think about the ravens’ average this year with Helms or I hate to — and I really don’t have a lot of time.
A big — to be behind bars. I mean I hate the ravens could — the ravens to the Cleveland Browns. And I hate the cold now since this beat Indianapolis. Colts slope and it had a lot of issues.
you’d just take care more to time — how they care about this statement Tivo. Tim Tebow the most famous guy in America most famous football the most publicized right now and yes yes right now there yeah and and Peyton Manning. Might get released. By the — I mean it’s this awaited world away. Yeah I Baghdad where you don’t want to think about that dilemma hearings — god. That to the Indianapolis of the dilemma that they were in based on trying to maintain both. Try to keep him at 28 million dollars worth of quarterback yeah. And then get this luck guy brought in an epidemic in the you know so. They had to make a decision at any of it that the real role — the prices causes — going to be he had his neck fused together you know that’s the question about quarterback in NFL you — that’s a risky proposition on its own but only so he’s still a beautiful throw. Like this that the jets would like them that that tax my text that provided background music for you guys forget it Indian right — really about what was that snappy — it was that I don’t know if asked Mike about the — beating him. He skimmed over that we’ve dug a broken and he never having to face. DIC does is big — you know look at me I’m 300 pounds punch in the arm crap to me all the time. And doesn’t hurt yeah of course it — he doesn’t he hits — very heart. But can I take it yes like Kent. I told them. You know he’s been a little wary of me lately. As I — did not drop them like up 300 pound — pink pachyderm. If he doesn’t to me again. So he’d been standard standoffish would be. — improbable and Jim go ahead.
Legal might — how you doing maybe yes and number would flip the BC a new realities. You know you’re — so I noticed an optional remote wake it was a big accident but.
Yeah I’m afraid of him knows it. He knows all the problem is Mike’s not afraid of anybody that I had — quality.
And I. Yeah you just — Sure my thanks and gratitude well the great veterans in the light that was the world wants to win was a baby yeah mechanic in an — he’s very proud of this by the any. — Very — there and is — and it was very I couldn’t speak about. Is that chairman but a lot of talk about the great majority gratitude to the great Pedro Martinez forward. Just magnificent masterpieces of the Colombian. Rule. I I would put him. In the clouds above you know — he’s right up they would give some cold facts Eva. — marry — guys late — he column and easy to cream of the crop and that. And — would fit right in the sixties is correct we were that I’d been — you know. We would have been devastating.
In the sixties Sierra it would have been under one. — But both of humanity and what — in the allowances do — dimensional attack work but they were electric the he drove you provinces more electric than anyone even in the league right now. More stated one you know — out of pitchers.
You know many complimentary we don’t match up most of you can you look flashy type playback — Henry — house party. They gathered but a term or more really about I discount Borger is a — but.
You know that you really terrific — would — each lucky that he really didn’t get that much in quite amazed I don’t think he’s getting that — natural.
Clementi was much last year then again he played in in in Pittsburgh. Non big — thing for Iraq and bury it in Aaron. But Aaron I guess we we discuss this news very soft spoken. — reserve and just went out there again it’s 45 knocks five at bats a game. Went home and — know existed till the next night we needed to comrades. Clementi was flashy I mean he is like a matador playing right field gap and he was — with reckless of bad allowed — to Iowa run in the bases exactly I mean he’s triples yes so he was difference I think Clementi in a lot of people’s — with a better player Watson. But he he was there no player but I think make an argument for me.
Jackets say that safely Dick comedy was maybe — overall better baseball player. — Hank Aaron. Because of the fielding in the arm he had those — superlatives in gold glove outfielder. Best gone in the history that I’ve ever seen in baseball more for accuracy in strength. And plus the 300 batting average and the power numbers suffered greatly because he played many of his games and Forbes Field which was brutal for right handed hitters — the ball out. So well he would never — Hank Aaron power wise. Now overall play I don’t know what the committee right up there — them anyway Willie Mays who was I think better than all the overall.
Yes and at festival time that — the — about Willie — yet because there’s nothing he could not do well — it amazes prime — as good as anyone who is from a guy you’re talking five tools in power going to get it always federally base — great arm. These — primaries weak link but it was still up four out of five compared to other Major League outfielders. Run the bases like a crazy man out there. I love Willie Mays I think he was the greatest overall player. 6177790850. 8885250850. Is are — free number. As — I’ve been told him a text message should it is so a pirate museum on derby street Salem. Which it would have to check out and — well then — summit to work. Pirates and his attacks his Mikey agrees to call — neat group pick and — Nose picking — called yes. Becomes — our division again you’ll think of some more choice names on the probably Payton — anyway. That yes he would pick his nose and buried his knuckles halfway up is not nostrils but he did do it on camera. You know XX. — Moment yes that’s Scotty Bowman was like red wings that could watch hockey game without without mining for gold. Did him in here unbelievable all right 61777. I Zurich fifty would take a break — come back — support Mikey show.
Every Tuesday night though you there in this. My — is a New Hampshire primary going on the — You vote primary season.
No just — Know him — he over many I have. — this year in the primary. — It’s kind of struck — as a standard — the guy in man or woman. No idea. — the comics still make him. Mr. Bennett like Herman Cain a lot. Treated. In the immediate past. Offs. That he described was fetching and you get he didn’t know. What’s fair. Of Texas — guys we’re gonna hear more money — you can read more from Linney in you can hear about this program whenever we Gelman here. I can hurt your best eating lobster. How thorough was the question. — never should a person dismantle devour lobster like might like my hand.
I dozens they might look like Mike can boarded brought up in Gloucester no waste hopefully route eats it all why don’t do. I don’t do those little central’s you know don’t do the little what we got to work to get the tiny little bit now I just go for the cause detailed. — lobster roll one couple’s. You know our generals are really believes I mean I see — I — lazy man’s lobsters but I don’t like I like to cracked cracked well I’ll do that myself. I don’t go for the little tiny numbers of people. You know suck the antenna. So completely and I’ve never seen you know — security people aren’t. Tell me it’s all about the clause in the — should be yet — this sport do you like better clog the clog the details of resorts are an idea what time lobster. At the yeah — talk about women sometimes they go together. You strike — detail Lehman I doubt you know him well especially since that incident that occurred here that would Sid yeah. It ripped off — detail read out — up when it’s that reality is egregious when you take about — Iowa lobster I mean that. Well punishable I know I realize it’s a joke I said it at this at this is for Mikey have big big. Aluminum you know there’s a three and a half pound lobster. The I would that’s because it opens it up caught the tail off the walks away with. The B of sanity I would have him buy you don’t know lobster like that because. I don’t know what — might — and a Hampshire notes up there for you it is said help — self — a barter for that to detonate you wanted to draw some butter for their body. Chris Kennedy years is that the whole thing was the first and last — detail it ripped off would be Richards in Boston richer.
Mikey yes terror. What are as a giant. Hey Richard — girl and recovered this morality unfortunately not. You straighten out — doubled and yet yet. Called him to people use ten. All time you must have been nationally — was due for that Pete — now — in any what is right handed desperate right and either. This guy called up and Edie or I can’t read — He had some of the numbers Robert appointments will take — Hank Aaron — a quiet superstar of — leading the world in — it one inch model pop — you’re doing and I didn’t quote. Notre — 792. Out a lot. Which is also coincidentally the amount of baseball cards you get in a full set tops of recent years 792. Of them. I wondered how much money — pick — in a bar room Serbia are at their you know I really don’t accused of stealing now Richard just trying to be used to expand it to themselves that he was being malicious let Aldridge it let it go.
I. I might take Gary guy ate there are nine point five and it can implement our economic remedies. Okay — Yeah I would make it put me away Aaron went by its regional.
They were close or is thereof — overall talent levels that you know again a bit different. When you go when you watch take Garrett you almost got the feeling news nonchalant in the outfield is very effective yeah. He did he really wasn’t ready was accused of bad — the — book going after it and you know what Willie Mays looked — it’s a lot going after a lot of he got a ball voted me.
And that’s why Clemente stood out — he had the eye of the tiger which look like he was gonna do something.
Yeah virtuous yeah on — he’d hit 320 foot line drives to right field that would hit the wall the base wanted. He had some line drive power and used all three not to have every time. — Are we want to — dared people to run on him and you know what it was like the cut like Dwight Evans was — wave we got spoiled big time because. It’s not about throwing out guys when you get that reputation after 56 years of pretty notion of a gun don’t know anymore they don’t call and it’s through so — somebody actually went on a guy like committee or haven’t they got — there’s like all really — would just throw these bullets. I get from right field deep right field at home on line at third base not even on a hop yeah. — and — what it — About a month. Make it in a month about a I’ll say about 35 days or so thirty. 38 days to lose to the pitcher’s advantage in February it’s going to be murders and yes it will be buried there pretty irate that it will — your.
I mean you’re gonna have the you’re gonna have the — have Bruins in the playoffs maybe the Celtics Andy and have video games are meaningless games in Florida where a lot of reading into it Ted down there that that’s going to be some camp went down time taken over. Com.
You know what let me go comedies and I doubt seriously if I’m really hard — go to the radio station’s management. And say. Okay — after we go to the Super Bowl. We get to go to spring training. And then we get to go to the Celtics in the brewers’ playoff games. — yet agreed that they ought to do my shows from wherever they are. What are what a great season we have forthcoming V and radio row — this — mobile 6177790850. Dead dead like on that disease you know. — guy real name’s Dennis Spencer messages. Audio Dennis. Yeah yeah yeah I had on my best friend resolute Cuba’s Dennis O’Neal I was like 456. — called — dead dead. So why it’s a it’s an old have — when I see — we are still saying I’ll look that bad. Well we don’t. What’s going on. And rarely seem like Gonzales wrote —
I’m a little immediate reading those who believe they one of my favorite it is I don’t know how — he wasn’t that enough was what was your. Yeah the key head. You — wasn’t a couple little lights not.
He had never played nudity. What seemed — and — the Yankees Cleveland — played for Cleveland — side — that the twins briefly then the Red Sox. Then the Yankees and the angels. And the pirates to two winded up but he was done by them but you — Red Sox guys — through.
When he was young when he played the Cleveland I think one here they don’t ever expect it something wins and he won twenty games. — it’s gonna ERA it was a really one point nine —
Action I’ll give it to exactly some summon — TI expert Dennis — Mike Davis to 219 for the ninety. 68 Cleveland Indians with a one point 60. Earned run average to lead the league and maybe twice he led the league DR re both times that they are under two.
Yeah I mean I I always thought he was. Not mentioned — itself. Donated total real and — great as prime.
You know he’s a hall of fame — look about Google he’s all — Shouldn’t we all got in — They are audible iris — early and it it’s an elite eight children. Colfax couldn’t do couldn’t do anything wrong for about four years he. You know and plus he gave innings some and the guy had complete games he should look at the stats and act I UNC guy finish we started. You know he had three complete games every World Series he pitched him. You know I mean two days’ rest he beat the twins shot a — Game seven after you know go and already to completely it is ridiculous — that was different air —
I don’t put itself face great being a pitcher I mean they kind of threw the ball the same way and and and both guys went out there finishing games every single. Time it was like give Bob Gibson. Sandy Colfax. Louie Tiant. I mean even his latest Steve Carlton complete game tells the tide on that come up in 2011. Is that because they throw more stuff or they have their speed and holly Gagne noticed — contract is always quite a few guys Rory how they may need. Our way to.
what — Arctic rather Turkey. Team and in a modern era when — potentially to a three outs but you think you would have been one of the greatest relievers of all are now.
Mean it was — anger and out of there that the thing about Raddatz is there was there was a year and this is unheard of for a closer. Our year than he came within three innings or four innings. Of winning the ERA crown. Which you need to qualify you have to have a 162. Innings pitched to — it’s a 1571. Year in relief.
So what are — public. You know the ones that are you know at seven senator Sam every closers you — 65 — eight a year ago which — five Alex. OK Dennis we — run every got a break thank you excellent 777 I Missouri fifty short break back to the calls we go talk about everything.