We’re back here in the planet Mikey show and you know while it — kind of spout off about the fact that after six years doing the show I’ve never yet been on the cover the proper Bostonians as pretty as I am through. You know we’re all shocked by the way I don’t at some point — one thing up most people agree on is that I am very pretty. He would make a hell it’s wonderful and by even this beard doesn’t deter people saying girls at the rarity the scars of true. — By the not prime time broken nose but we have. I think we — palladium line through here who’s actually been on the cover. As this.
How — did you have let it. If it you’re just talking about.
I see how quickly in — look at the cover right now which when you — a blonde OK Brian Dolan. And yeah how’d you get on the cover this magazine have been asking about it for years they won’t even call me.
What we can and flexible you can then.
You know that would have been Obama went back to the public side. Sound like dream girls beat. And that’s — and that kind because it out so many please. Can — The other got you know that.
Who what athletes do yoga. My opponent. You know what you should have Mikey — seat yeah right classic yoga I was gonna I’d never actually came close to walking in one of those places one time but I have dyslexia I thought it set a goal late. So I didn’t go in but does so you’re saying I can learn how to — more flexible now you all really sisters.
I’m really looked at things that I didn’t calculate they popped in Iraq — about — and — out. And we — not — become men and try that crap that I had.
One I don’t I think it’s a leotard in Romania Austria there’s outfits I’m a — command. More woman I already did that and a couple of seriously. Finally I would that a surprise now is this more than just sitting cross legged on the floor idea.
And yet it’s totally right and that he’ll get a cardiovascular. Work out. You broke strength and flexibility something that people eat as bait.
You get to hang around with the four hot yoga sister you put them on a diet that I I yelled guerra fanatics what — diet through. Yeah no — I’m not there. And out of class and I’ll I’ll I can certainly wait — that is our — I’d love to be I’d like to be drinking beer while I’m doing yoga and had trying to appease them now is there any way that I could get his point round so flexible. That I can wrap my own legs around my head.
Leading up to you do that.
And yet to be seen.
Why deny that diagnosis and I don’t even around your own head. Around that yeah.
Soweto and publisher and getting at — and it plummeted and yet tell me where no where’s your — haven’t tried yet — studio.
It’s about making good students stand up and read about it I’m — act like that the bar by night — Shannon.
And as I know that our combine maybe if I don’t do one yoga class and wanna have my picture taken with a group cover girls of the improper Bostonians. And I do that and you know. — that maybe don’t put us on the cover together all of us. — That’s not you know usually it’s just — you’re gonna cover girl. Is this the first time you’ve been a cover girl. And that many passing them anyway you cut it off badly and it would have been nice to grow up you neighborhood I’m sure. But Vito thanks for calling and I’m gonna combined say hello.
they’re certainly not about the teaches about yet again and you know we have 5% Begin and they will be looked right at.
Okay thanks a lot. About it’ll be it’ll be teach teach an old dog new tricks stated that in The Knesset the radio downward dog by the way which I believe is a yoga yeah I didn’t mean can she wrapped her legs around my head as if they. And she wrapped around her own animate. I if your flight — flexible and I can take my legs and put you’ve seen this on TV right up yoga girls are unbelievable and they can take their legs and put him behind their head. And then become a human we’ll. Like with a wheel on a wheelbarrow a its equipment delivered — If the robbers abruptly.