I we’re gonna get some phone calls and — ladies in the house were glad to see — and Brian is in Canada Bryant. I’m writing it’s this is bright New Brunswick yes that’s a — Collison or some irony. I don’t. — you don’t I’m doing fine thanks.
I’m talking about it — it right go ahead. I just wrote about that tomorrow one maybe I can add to the caller yes and Bennett.
The patriots had to be very careful with him because he could turn the game around player and that Denver.
I don’t know that it’s fair really that Tebow stuff I mean is that it’s fair to have god. Helping you. Or why not — did god take three weeks worth of vacation pay him between the other win streak in this game this past weekend —
It’s the — guy I think everyone’s — at least I thought in the past beat them. And then they lose the next two weeks it’s okay it’s all right guys Tivo time it’s over yet and — cared about yeah yeah they see him out in — finish detonate may get back and again in the playoffs. At and they play the Steelers is okay that really will be.
Sure John not so much yeah yeah. O’Brien you’re Tebow guy up there — Miami yeah. So would what do you think you’d think he’d give me your your honest opinion do you think the that the Denver Broncos win the — coming Saturday night. — that they worry about it give — a lot older people think it would be awesome having got to UT makes it closer. Made pro Europe particularly pretty. Bright you like kid Tebow — style player just because it’s a religious were both. Well — like oh. You go to church every Sunday. No I don’t. — I’m — know what three guys that common — I thank you run up so we’re here we’re — his room to do though this kind of cool when I start my church. I’m gonna make it’s of the you don’t have to go you can just Skype. You know where it’s going to be the thing that — it’s the — day what. Freaks Sutton has — a student at the you’re — let — day freaks. You take the matter where all it was friends to start this church and I think you’ll all agree this will be the funniest church ever about it. Is 100000. Twitter followers. And it’s going to be an amazing experience ethnic. 100000. Twitter it’s at Mikey Adams WEEI mad about 5200. Selling need 94000. 800 more. That’s nothing — attributed July. Well they’ll jump on they’ll be — collection points. I don’t really know them out. As I’ve always wanted to be a collective go to the of The — you know those things is — your card through — deepening your pin high terrorism very modern high — high — church yup and you get a message sent to your phone automatically from the lower — like god bless you I hope you get a campground at the lord will. Send you a message after you contribute to my church once it happens and she will be grateful.
There are. Dallas. Now he’s that you got to midst onto the ice in both you guys pick in the path — Sunday — it — it Budapest April 1 pick against the pass at home that’s insanity. Hole hole. I’m glad that they were we in January day in January a little bit about that December Rihanna recently anyway about a — January Jerry out of image you can’t go what’s going on last on them the — but I mean you can’t guarantee anything is that something but I do I know I agree with you guys that are I think they when I think. You know what they didn’t know about it — on the — he’s kind of — his face him anyways — that that helps and then you know show that Washington. The game against Pittsburgh became a — it’s very well I’m sure use another — Baltimore is anybody — Houston can’t beat Baltimore I don’t Baltimore’s moments where they’re — they’re — right. So I don’t know well I think it quarterback situation may — gambit to. You know Houston — But yeah I think the ravens who went home but I’m — look and I’m just I’m building and enjoy Saturday’s game I — that’s it that’s should be fun and I. — I found school is what’s a — 123 last month last time they play out but I mean it it wasn’t that bad loans as close if while yeah.
Can you really look at the prior. Final score in a meeting between two teams as we learn from the jets last year — and apps so that they get a 92 break — to Brian bill mark Chris and you on the planet Mikey show.
The question is. There are patriots. You know on the other jobs Slobodan. Always better to be employed as a coach than unemployed so. You know we change. Ourselves. And let’s play quite Tibetan culture is changed that it — players change cities and it’s — quote —
John Fox. Those are good he’s good coach he has the he has — his job will approve committees a good coach over the years. Little strange times. Makes a lot of funny faces on the yeah on the field but. This — make camp Leo. I guy’s gonna dig now you know that’s all I mean it’s not like this some kind of special event he’s elegant guy has videotape machine uses at you know some of the tendencies of T.
and I mean you know he’s the right John drafted to — thomas’ I grew the appoint. But McGuinness could give just one little tidbit you know it may not even while would be on the view — just saw a little slight paying Beatty does. That no announcement pick up. But it might mean something and sound like — danced with.
Would know what that library is complaining about you know adding a coach this late in the game well — they just lost to call me. You gotta keep. The coaches from leaving and — certainly certainly — going to be the kind of guy who’s gonna say are we gonna get busy right now with his new gig — right now that that dilutes whatever you’re trying to do down the stretch.
And playing well it depends because it really didn’t win with Charlie Weis too much the year that he left you — reliable utterly. — early in December him more time to. You have to go out — drama recruiting incidents podium just talk about the whole function and and being. — losing a coach at that leads stage of the game right if you can lose one you — serve game one and why can anybody — we complain but my thing is why still stuck around for the entire Ali did yeah. Biden to anyone of either from a meal yeah in terms playing catchup I mean oh brackets that right off now although — lights that late start yeah. So for securities and that’s I try that is going to be very difficult it was a there’s absolutely it’s. It’s going to be testing anti he’ll be he’ll be a hero of heroes if you can get them went 778. Games here they’re gonna have to give those recruits something special to joint money wait no they can’t do that first set — from new boots are boots. I hear a — join with us now I know it’s been tough — all these bad charges against this program. We’re gonna give — this nice comforter. Stuff like that they’ll get some kids from central Pennsylvania yeah everybody is pleased to be tougher yeah as target and picked me and there you know — being in the top ten and nationally and you know I contend for national title that’s mystics and we’re at plus just plain — a place called happy valley going to be pretty good for the psyche. Ever run my first girlfriend showed me her happy valley. Irrespective along time ago I can’t get an of that now as we go these calls to get to Brian’s and a car that could — breath.
and thought well. Mikey — hey I do. Good to attack here. — the great show — the pleasure to listen you didn’t really talk about especially tonight and thank you that you did some apple wanted to for a long time listener Matt is.
My —
You gotta you gotta show me how to do that that’s beautiful touch my — even more that but went immediately to tell him we don’t know it.
How how — Mike kept his wife off what he’s talking about.
She was on the national — and and and a sellout for some fatigue had a right I had a beautiful that was in my way that was that your wife my life. It. Going to be easy to get it yet you Metallica do. Selig. They — it really might make you too many dogs market and — was recently — And — able sort of — is a couple things what I would definitely how many essentially a interview with Pedro was that lies there might Qaeda back — those.
While it’s 87 — the charities are yet he’s got to get our. I don’t — raise money for for charity but he he was on the big show today and it was a billion if you get a chance to listen on the computer run W — I’d act congress and listen to the whole interview because it really. Was it very compelling. Interview one of the great interviews I’ve ever heard on this this radio station and he set a lot of things about a lot of different things it was vintage Pedro great.
I did — landing did they consider our prima — he considered himself.
Well let me tell you that. At time about that and I saw him obviously inside the locker room films games. It anyway supreme. — but I tie it in the in the right cents a of the phrase I think I mean he was — that he knew he was good. I don’t picky all the did it met mr. strikeout guys and he EP look guess — it out and he — activists suspect companies that we look at the battle like. You actually not gonna put it right right yeah. So that that was an arrogance about him but it was. — It one he had had counted out by news that a delightful. Persona and personality and that makes it definitely it was — about it. You and you could tell he had a lot of passionate here.
you know the thing about this about this whole prima — things written him. If your — back gonna in the next round. Gerri see you got them incorruptible Mikey. Right and I etc. but this simple but. But you know what the idea of the — deterrent for Madonna and if anybody knows this or not but I’m gonna give you the the actually in — Italian he knows. It’s Italian for First Lady. And so technically. In this country. Michelle Obama. Is a primadonna and just automatically. The — normally in the opera was normally but not necessarily a soprano. So what you have here is it’s a term that really is now translated into today’s meeting which is describing you — Or — testicle or temperamental person. Who finds it difficult to work under direction as part of the team yeah okay but I don’t think that’s that’s that’s fits into the category it was more behavioral thing with. With Pedro — and guess what. To beat your you know a get a pitcher that great. Let him.
Slug — did anyone or Jimy Williams wouldn’t buy it — today yen showed up lay human is lifers start. And he comedians that I’m right and Pedro you know — about — he could be a bit of a soak up — have too many losing streak steadied after south Goldman’s.
Don’t — the temperament to download yet attitude was only there. In in bad actors I’m there weren’t many — yeah. Well I have a huge. Pedro pan am still element that I used — I am becoming more and more Pedro fan as the days go on right now how any size and could have been a picture of right by — Patriot. Act as one might not want finals on Pedro again Leo I’ve seen proved right we knew then go. We agree and that the writer Greg Giddens those four years — go ahead pats.
You know that an article in Denver Post — what was his name. Him. —
And I rented it was the — Ballot check. I really — can I.
And — a lot of people and never got us again from office by gates so and and you know that’s a lot and be around the country and death. You know I’ll coach is secure and — in certain way. They tonight to win exactly did and I get an edge anyway you can within the rules some kinds not within rules and sometimes you get key.
I’m thrilled about the game I think that would make it back warmer back — back to come back. Yeah it can make a huge difference on the defense — this is going to be big.
Bulletins have practiced. What bulletin every player there was one service and so it goes to a lot of dollar means they’ll racing at its. Our — call it what an idiot you Brian have Margaret your wife Golan and all those dog he’s marketing your house in the house of crazy nut ball this. 6177790850. We got pats on the table like while they’re playing a little that little game this coming Saturday. Which — will be directly indicative as to how far they might be able — in the future particularly if they went. That’s important yes we’re also we’ve also thrown out of the table of this class of 2013 as a up Pedro was discussing with the big go to Michael Holley today. How inching its gonna be when when Clemens bonds and Sosa come up on next year’s hall of fame ballot. And Ira text number if you wanna texas’ 85850 some just texting Edie Falco plays a program. Maybe the greatest TV series of all time will be read back there on the planet Mike did you.