Press Release From Boston Pride
Launches the second stop on our statewide tour in Western Massachusetts The newly formed Human Rights and Education (HRE) Committee of Boston Pride, proudly announces its next stop on our 2011 – 2012 Community Forum Road Tour.
Wednesday, January 18 at the Unitarian Society in Northampton, the committee will continue its outreach in an effort to talk with members of the LGBT Community and allies to gather data on how it can best serve its constituents. At 6:30 pm, there will be refreshments and a welcoming statement by the LGBT Coalition of Western Massachusetts, who is co-sponsoring the event, followed by the discussion beginning around 7 pm. The address for the event at the Unitarian Society in Northampton is 220 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 and is free and open to all.
The HRE Committee is the arm of the Boston Pride organization that advocates for social justice for the LGBT Community by disseminating news, promoting dialogue, and mobilizing people to take action on issues of local, national and global significance.
“We are excited to partner with our friends and co-sponsor for this event, the LGBT Coalition of Western Massachusetts. Given the great feedback we received from the community forum in Haverhill, MA, our committee eagerly looks forward to a substantive exchange of ideas from the Western Massachusetts community,” says Michael Bookman, Co-Chair of the HRE Committee. “We not only want the Western Mass LGBTQ communities’ feedback, but we need that feedback to help Boston Pride be a totally responsive and relevant organization attuned to the needs of our diverse LGBTQ community,” states Jeff Gerstenblatt, Co-Chair of the HRE Committee.
The road tour will hit the South Shore and the Greater Boston area in the weeks ahead. Dates and locations are to be announced. For more information on the Human Rights Education Committee of Boston Pride, visit
Boston Pride is a 5-1c(3) non-profit organization that produces events and activities to achieve inclusivity, equality, respect, and awareness in Greater Boston and beyond. Fostering diversity, unity, visibility, and dignity; the organization educates, communicates, and advocates by building and strengthening community connections.