Chelsea High students sent home after bomb threat

Police had a half-dozen dogs scouring Chelsea High School today after school officials said they received a bomb threat and dismissed all students and staff, authorities said.

As of noon, the search was still ongoing, and Chelsea police are working with an outside police department in the community from where the call came, said Chelsea Police Capt. Keith Houghton.

He declined to say which town or city, but said it’s not a neighboring town but in the greater Boston area. School officials told police they checked the recorded line that fields calls over the weekend, where they found a message threatening to bomb the school today, Houghton said.

Officials contacted police shortly after 10 a.m., and dismissed all students by 11 a.m. without incident, Houghton said. The threat did not detail a specific time or place in the school, he said.

“We take it all as important,” Houghton said of such threats. “All I can say is the call did not originate from Chelsea, and we ware working with another police agency to try and retrieve evidence. Hopefully, it turns up nothing, and it is a hoax.”

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