Medford track star Nathan Clement takes his best shot

Nathan Clement is committed to being the best that he can be.

Whether out on the football field at Hormel Stadium, or competing in cozy confines of the Cooper Gymnasium during indoor track season, the 5-foot-10, 260-pound Medford High junior has always made of habit of never settling for second best.

So when the 16-year-old recently took over as the Greater Boston League leader in the shot put, with a personal best throw of 39.6-feet against Arlington, it certainly came as no surprise to many, including Medford Coach Tommy Lynch.

You see, it was never really a question of if Clement would reach such a prestigious milestone. It was only a matter of when.

“Nathan is the top thrower in Greater Boston League,” Lynch said. “He’s only lost once, by six inches, to Cambridge. He’s great kid, only a junior and he’s trying to be GBL Champion in the shot put.”

A three-year letterman with the Medford High football team, Clement clearly showed his determination at an early age, cracking the varsity line-up his freshman year. It was there that he met team co-captain Tony Louis, who also introduced him to indoor track arena – and more specifically the shot put – as the ultimate cross training tool.

Following Louis’ suggestion, Clement joined the track team his freshman year, opening up another competitive avenue for the ambitious youngster.

“[Tony] told me I’d have a lot of fun with it while working out my legs,” Clement said.

The burly Medford junior soon found his niche in the indoor circuit and has been a staple in both the 55-meter run and the shot put, ever since.

According to the Emerson Street resident throwing the shot put involves much more than sheer brute strength to be successful. It requires a unique blend of athletic ability and a finely honed technique before even propelling the 12-pound orb into the air.

“Throwing the shot put is just one big fluid motion with your legs,” Clement said. “After a while, it just becomes second nature to you.”

“When I throw I‘m in a different place,” he added. “It’s like breathing to me. It’s all about technique, working on your squats and shoulders.”

Over the years Clement has perfected his craft, climbing up the Greater Boston League ladder, before finally reaching the top rung this season. The junior all-star got the news of his accomplishment from Coach Lynch, following a meet.

“I was pretty shocked when the coach told me,” Clement said. “It was pretty amazing and a great accomplishment. As of right now, I feel pretty happy being No. 1.”

Clements leadership qualities have also come into play this season. One of the Mustangs team captains this season, the junior journeyman continues to be a positive influence on his younger teammates.

“The role [as team captain] is about leading the way,” said Clement, who is also a captain on the football team. “Getting the other athletes in the right mindset instead of having them feel uncomfortable or nervous before they head into a meet.”

Clement likes the make-up of the current team and feels there will be plenty to celebrate by the end of the season. In the meantime, there’s still a few more meets on the agenda to improve in all areas.

“We just need more hard work and determination, showing up to the gym every singe day twice a week,” Clement said. “I’m also working on my drills and techniques. I actually want them to also get into the zone and make it feel like its second nature to them.”

When he’s not competing, Clement can be found on the sidelines supporting other MHS athletic endeavors.

“I’m usually cheering my fellow Mustangs on,” Clement said. “I don’t really think it’s fair to cheer just for your specific team. I feel like I have to support every other sport at my high school, as well.”

As for his own agenda, Clement is putting his goals in its proper perspective.

“I just want to keep up the pace,” he said. “I’m still at it and still trying to be No. 1 shot putter.”

And with a few more meets left on the regular season docket, he may very well get there this season.

The Medford High boys track team was slated to take on Everett, Wednesday, Jan. 25 at 6:30 p.m.

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