Five Things: Working with Homeless Children, Designer Aaron Draplin

1) Somerville resident recognized for work with homeless children
Amy Gardner of Somerville received the 2012 PAL of the Year Award from Horizons for Homeless Children, according to an announcement from the organization. PAL stands for “playspace activity leader,” and in receiving the award, Gardner was recognized for her work with homeless children in area homeless shelters. Garnder has worked with homeless children through Horizons for about three years, and she also helps coordinate and check in with the 1500 PAL volunteers in the area. Congratulations.

2) Tall Tales From a Large Man: Aaron Draplin on Graphic Design
From the listing: “Aaron Draplin of Draplin Design Co. will speak about graphic design and his experiences working with different companies all over the country and the Obama administration. Tickets are required to attend the event. Get them from the library’s front desk.” It takes place at 7:30 p.m. at the Somerville Public Library. Listen to Draplin talk about design on this popular YouTube video. Caution, it contains strong language.

3) Somerville schools summer volunteers orientation
Learn how you can “serve and inspire” with the Somerville Public Schools. This is an orientation for summer volunteers. The orientation is from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Argenziano School.

4) First time home buyers seminars
Somerville Community Corporation and Cambridge Savings Bank recently collaborated to hold a series of CHAPA-certified (Citizens Housing and Planning Association) first-time homebuyer seminars, according to an announcement sent on behalf of the bank. “The two groups organized the seminar in response to tremendous local need for first-time homebuyer education,” the announcement says.

5) Weather and Red Sox
The Red Sox are away tonight to play the Mariners. The game starts at 10:10 p.m. Boooooooo West Coast! Today will be mostly sunny with temperatures in the mid 80s.

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