Tea Party ralliers slam Obamacare

Undeterred by the Supreme Court decision last month to uphold the Democrats’ health care overhaul, some 100 Tea Party members and like-minded protesters rallied yesterday in Boston to call for the repeal of Obamacare — contending it will siphon more than $500 billion from Medicare and lead to bigger government.

“Call your representatives, especially the ones on this flier, and urge them to repeal this horrible bill,” Christine Morabito, president of the Greater Boston Tea Party, told those gathered at Christopher Columbus Park, referring to a leaflet her group handed out identifying the eight members of the Bay State congressional delegation who support the health care law.

“This law calls for 16,000 new IRS agents in case we don’t comply,” continued Morabito, one of the event’s organizers. “It creates 159 new agencies, boards, commissions, layers upon layers of bureaucracy — all standing between you and the doctor.”

Evelyn Petrelli, 85 of Southbridge stood in a light rain holding a sign that read: “If it’s not a tax, then it must be unconstitutional.”

The retired librarian fears Obamacare will negatively affect the coverage she receives under her Blue Cross Blue Shield health plan.

“I have a perfect plan and I can afford it,” she said. “What I retired with is perfect and I don’t need him coming in and telling me what my care should be.”

Austin Hess, 28, of Allston also held up a sign, saying: “Obama keep your laws off my body.”

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology engineer, a diabetic, said he is worried the law will make medical treatments more expensive.

“I think it’s just going to drive up costs for everybody,” he said. “We have seen a preview of that here in Massachusetts. … I was hoping the Supreme Court would strike it down. It failed to do its job, so now we are going to have to do it in November.”

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