Are parents really flocking to buy in these towns?

Here’s Trulia’s top ten list for the Boston area, including price-per-square-foot numbers. To convert the square foot numbers, just base it on a home of roughly 2000 square feet.

For example, in Westford, a 2,000 square foot home will cost you just under $400,000.

What’s your take? Is Trulia full of it or has it hit upon a new way of looking at where parents are buying?

School District Ratio Price per SQFT

Westford School District 1.74 $197

Duxbury School District 1.72 $231

Westwood School District 1.70 $289

Weston School District 1.70 $350

Medfield School District 1.68 $242

Pentucket School District 1.68 $180

Sudbury School District 1.68 $242

Groton-Dunstable 1.66 $177

Lynnfield School District 1.64 $239

Lexington School District 1.63 $321 Middlesex MA

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