US Sen. hopeful Warren to address Labor Day event

BOSTON (AP) — Democratic U.S. Sen. hopeful Elizabeth Warren is scheduled to deliver the keynote address at an annual Labor Day Breakfast at the Park Plaza Hotel in Boston.

The Monday breakfast is hosted by the Greater Boston Labor Council. The council said 500 union leaders, activists and elected officials are expected to attend.

The crowd should be friendly territory for Warren, who is hoping to deny Republican U.S. Sen. Scott Brown a full six-year term. Brown won a special election in 2010 to fill the seat left vacant by the death of longtime Democratic Sen. Edward Kennedy.

Warren has already won the endorsement of the AFL-CIO and other labor unions which traditionally back Democrats.

Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, Congressmen John Tierney and William Keating, and congressional hopeful Joseph Kennedy III are also scheduled to speak.


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