Dover gathers food for Hurricane Sandy victims

In conjunction with the Greater Boston Food Bank, the town of Dover will be gathering food for victims of Hurricane Sandy. Items needed are as follows: bottled water, soups/stews, peanut butter, canned meals, pasta, crackers, energy/granola bars, tuna, beans, juice boxes, meal replacement bars, Gatorade/Powerade.

No expired or torn items, please.

Donations will be accepted from Nov. 12-30, and can be placed in designated bins at all Dover churches, the Dover Deli, the Dover Market and the Dover Post Office. The Dover Church High School Youth Group will be sorting food on the evening of Sunday, Dec. 2, starting at 6:30 p.m. in Kraft Hall (Dover Church). High school students who are living in Dover or Sherborn are encouraged to participate, as community service hours will be awarded. Pizza will be served.

Monetary donations also accepted. Please make checks out to “Greater Boston Food Bank” and send to the Dover Church, 17 Springdale Ave., Dover, MA 02030, attn. Joan Whalen.

Questions? Please call Beth Benjamin at 508-785-2696 or Kimberly Cone at 508-785-3039.


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