Liquid Fun’s 24-Hour Marathon is Bigger Than Ever Before

CampusLifestyle Culture

By Cecilia Weddell • Apr 8th, 2013

Between 8 p.m. Saturday and 8 p.m. Sunday, twenty Boston improv comedy groups, hundreds of BU students, and one Boston University Dean of Students found themselves laughing or performing in BU Central. One constant in the twenty-four hours of comedy was Liquid Fun, a BU improv comedy group. This was their eighth annual 24-hour comedy marathon benefiting the Greater Boston Food Bank. The event brought many Boston comedy groups to the dimly-lit space, where students and Boston residents alike were invited to drop in any time to get their fill of clever, sometimes ridiculous, comedy. Scheduled “Jam Sessions” united different improv groups that had never performed together before the marathon.

Dean of Students Kenneth Elmore joined Liquid Fun on stage during the Newbie Hour. | Photo by Cecilia Weddell

Dean of Students Kenneth Elmore joined Liquid Fun rookies on stage during the “Newbie Hour.” | Photo by Cecilia Weddell

The show was free with a suggested $5 donation that Liquid Fun contributed to the Greater Boston Food Bank. Ari Stern (CAS ’13), Liquid Fun’s president, recalled how much the show has grown in his four years performing in it.

“When I joined Liquid Fun my freshman year, our audiences were sometimes smaller than our cast. Now we get audiences between one hundred and three hundred people,” he said.

Last year, the event made around $500 for the Greater Boston Food Bank, and this year the amount doubled. “It is a much bigger event this year, because we have benefited from having more connections as our reputation has grown,” he added.

Guest improv groups came from Northeastern, Suffolk, MIT, ImprovAsylum, and more. During an 11 a.m. “Newbie Hour,” Dean of Students Kenneth Elmore took to the stage with the newest Liquid Fun members. Member Ryan Kell (CAS ’14) approved of Dean Elmore’s contribution.

“I thought he was very personable. He helped out our rookies. They needed a little support, and he was there for them,” he said.

Audience member Kristina Hayda (SED ’16) was happily surprised by Dean Elmore’s cameo appearance.

“I thought he did really well. It was nice that he got to be a part of it. That was really unexpected,” she said.

Current Liquid Fun President Ari Stern (CAS '13) and 2011-2012 president Shawn Musgrave had a two-man segment. | Photo by Cecilia Weddell

Current Liquid Fun President Ari Stern (CAS ’13) and 2011-2012 president Shawn Musgrave had a two-man segment. | Photo by Cecilia Weddell

Hayda was one of many students dropping in and out of BU Central. She explained, “I have a lot of studying to do, so I’ll come, stay for an hour, go back to studying. I feed off the energy of the performers.” Unlike Hayda, Katy Meyer (COM ’14) stayed the whole time—with the help of some friends. “My roommate has been bringing me food occasionally,” she noted. “And Liquid Fun has sponsors bringing food and caffeine.”

The extremely successful charity event finished off with a Liquid Fun Alumni Jam, allowing former Liquid Fun members to remain involved and see how much their event has grown since it started eight years ago. Rookie member Will Dowsett (COM ’16) will be one of the members to carry on the tradition, so it is good that he learned how to cope with the exhaustion this year. “I’ve turned that corner where I was exhausted, and now it’s just sort of a numb feeling,” he remarked, after having been awake 24 hours. Numb feelings aside, Liquid Fun kept up a consistently funny show and raised about $1000 for the Greater Boston Food Bank.

Liquid Fun announces upcoming shows on their Facebook page. For more information about the Greater Boston Food Bank, see their website.

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