Director Sofia Coppolla’s new film, “The Bling Ring,” follows a pack of Los Angeles teenagers dying to look and live like Hollywood celebrities, so much so that they break into their homes and steal their clothes, shoes, jewelry and bags. They wear their swag at nightclubs and, once they’re caught by police, seemingly even to court.
The movie is based on a real teenage enterprise and criticizes the worship of celebrity life, which actress Katie Chang, who plays the ringleader, says she occasionally finds herself doing.
Coppolla’s presentation of Paris Hilton’s glittering, packed closet makes a curious audience enjoy being there, and Chang said she and her fellow actors had a great time pretending to rob her home.
“We all went into it trying to be really heisty-y and James Bond-y,” Chang said. “But we got in there, and we ended up having so much fun, and we were so loud. It was fun to realize that these kids were just having fun when they were breaking into these houses. They weren’t trying to pull off a huge heist.”