The El Gets Cutoff in 1987
Welcome to Dirty Old Boston, a blog saluting the bad old days of Greater Boston as regular people lived, laughed, played, and worked in a far grittier city than the one we see today as we sit in traffic jams, stand stalled on the T, walk, cab or bike our way around this lively little hamlet.
Our time frame runs from the 1940’s through 1987. The cutoff point is ’87 because that is when the elevated Orange Line T came down and gentrification arose. We pictured the ‘cutoff’ of the El on Washington Street to illustrate this.
We will also include dirty old photos from communities that border Boston and headline anything further out of the city with “D.O.B. (Dirty Old Boston) on the Road”.
There was ample regular daily life out there and that is what we like.
We are on Facebook as Dirty Old Boston as well. Please feel free to ‘like’ us there.
We accept submissions there in the form of a message or posting on the timeline. Postings will be considered for this blog……We have lots of photos lined up to showcase here but we welcome submissions from individuals. Break out your best dusties and stay tuned.
This is going to be a blast and we thank the Globe for this opportunity to have some fun and learn some history at the same time. When was the last time you did that?
Ciao for Now, Jim Botticelli/DOB Blogger