Sierra Club, Boston Labor Council endorse Smith for Cambridge City Council

The campaign of Jefferson R. Smith for Cambridge City Council has received the endorsement of the Sierra Club of Massachusetts, as well as the Greater Boston Labor Council, a federation of more than 154 local unions and district councils in the Boston area.

Recognizing the importance of economic growth, coupled with the effects that new development can bring to cities and towns, Smith has been a strong advocate for a balanced approach to development in the city that will maintain Cambridge’s leadership role in recycling, greenhouse emissions reduction and green economy innovation, according to the endorsement announcement.

As vice president of MassRecycle, a statewide nonprofit coalition of all 351 municipalities, Smith has worked to advance environmental policies such as solid waste reduction and the Updated Bottle Bill.

The Greater Boston Labor Council is affiliated with representatives of workers across a wide economic spectrum, such as teachers, transit workers, construction workers, police, firefighters, janitors and manufacturing workers.

With his knowledge of public policy, Jefferson played an integral role in many of the reforms within the Massachusetts Department of Transportation that consolidated operations and ultimately achieved more than $100 million in cost savings and efficiencies, according to the press release. He was also the MassDOT-designated commissioner on the Jobs Creation Committee, a Cambridge-led innovation to create and maintain quality jobs in the commonwealth.

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