(NECN: Nicole Jacobs, Newton, Mass.) – Another Dunkin’ Donuts in the Greater Boston area has been robbed, with the latest one located in Newton.
Authorities are trying to determine whether the robberies are linked.
With the suspect wearing all black and his face covered, witnesses tell police he had a mission
“Ordered people to the ground threatened them, opened a register and took and undetermined amount of cash,”
Lt. Bruce Apothoker with Newton Police says the 138 Needham St. location has been hit before.
“I know our investigators are looking to see if it’s the same individual any similarities,” he says.
But this is just the latest in a string of Dunkin’ Donuts hits. Sources tell NECN at total of 21 have fallen victim throughout the eastern part of Massachusetts. Thursday afternoon customers seem shocked, but not phased.
“I think at night time they purposely put guys on but if you’re desperate for money and it’s not busy – in and out quickly,” one customer says.
And though the investigation just got a little hotter, authorities are hoping someone comes forward.
Tags: Newton, Dunkin Donuts, Nicole Jacobs, Massachuesetts, MA Dunkin Donuts robberies, Dunkin Donuts robberies