Looking Back and Moving Forward: Six Months After the Boston Marathon …

2013-10-16-marathon-photo.JPGBoston goes by a number of aliases: the Hub, Beantown (people that live here don’t really say that), the Cradle of Liberty and so on. Myself and the millions of residents that inhabit the city and the Greater Boston area, however, simply think of it as “home.” Six months ago on Marathon Monday, April 15, 2013, our home became the site of a senseless act of violence that still has us reeling.

The Boston Marathon bombings and the events that followed claimed four innocent lives, injured hundreds of unsuspecting civilians and made a horrific impact that none of us will soon forget. Regardless of whether you were born and raised here, attended college here, work here or — like me — can identify with all of the above, the April 15 attacks hit home in a big way. Half a year later, Bostonians are struggling to understand, recover and move forward.

It goes without saying that we’re a pretty understanding group. A blizzard on Halloween? Sure, we’ll smile and dust off our shovels. The Big Dig running nine years and 12 billion dollars over budget? We’ll get over that too. But how can those impacted by the events of the Marathon bombings be expected to understand something that is utterly incomprehensible?

The answer is simple, really. The tragedy that took place at the 2013 Boston Marathon is not something we can — or likely ever will — understand. But we can come together, help one another, and keep on keeping on. We Bostonians are a feisty and resilient bunch, and the marathon attacks do nothing to discount that. It is one thing to dampen the human spirit, but the sorry soul that thinks they can bring down a community jacked up on Dunkin’ Donuts and Sam Adams has got another thing coming.

Sometimes a tragedy hits too close to home. In this particular case, it hit home. But we are “Boston Strong” and we won’t let it slow us down. Six months from now, at the 2014 Boston Marathon, our city will join together once again. And while our memories will still be raw and our senses will be heightened, we will run a little faster, cheer a little louder and be a little better.

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