‘Sweet Caroline’ at Sox Games: Love It or Hate It?

By Les Masterson

“Sweet Caroline” is either a beloved classic or a loathed tradition at Boston Red Sox games.

The song has come to represent Greater Boston and is played at weddings and other celebrations. But has it worn out its welcome?

On the eve of the Red Sox’s third trip to the World Series in 10 years, Geoff Edgers wrote in The Boston Globe that “Sweet Caroline”has been played 891 times at Fenway Park since 2002. It’s time to put the song back on the shelf, he said.

“A ballgame is supposed to be fun. If we’re rolling, feel good. If we’re losing, feel a little down. Don’t let a regular season loss drive you to the upper deck of the Tobin, but don’t think it makes cosmic sense to face defeat with a chorus of ‘so good, so good, so good.’”

Read the full article here.

What do you think? Should the Red Sox stop playing “Sweet Caroline” or would you miss hearing it (and singing it) at the Fenway Park?

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