One of the biggest traditions whenever a team wins a major championship is to go out and get the special edition newspaper to see how the publication commemorated the event.
So whether you’re local and saw a copy of The Springfield Republican today or are out towards the eastern end of the state and caught a glimpse of this morning’s Boston Globe, Boston Herald or another Greater Boston paper, you’ve likely seen at least one.
However, there were a lot of newspaper covering the Boston Red Sox’s World Series championship this morning, which is why we’ve gathered a hefty collection of front pages around New England and across the country.
The images, most of which come from the folkds over at Newseum, showcase a wide variety of production calls when it came to deciding how to lay out the paper. As is usually the case, there’s rarely an instance of two papers sharing a headline, though there are some similar designs.
Keep an eye out for some of the St. Louis outlets, which had a much more somber tone Thursday morning following the Cardinals loss.