Ready to move in together?

In fact, the biggest regret among renters was not discussing beforehand how to split up their finances, the survey found.

But messy apartments are also apparently bad for couples as well. More than 31 percent said “differences in cleaning habits” has been the biggest problem in their relationship since moving in together.

Now as husband now with three little ones, I can’t imagine what those differences in “cleaning habits” might be.

Couples also had some novel ways of deciding who winds up doing the chores.

My favorites were those who stuck their hapless girlfriend or boyfriend – the poor sap who seemed “less busy,” however that’s defined – with the dirty work.

Also touching was the small but loud segment of couples who “rely on arguing until someone gives in.”


Here’s a particularly revealing section of the survey:

o Only 11% of renters said they discussed how the cleaning responsibilities would be divided, before moving in together. Better make yourself busy! 40% of respondents said they divide chores based on who has more time
o Almost ¼ of respondents (25%) said they each do chores they like doing
o Almost ¼ of respondents (24%) said they do them all together
o Some renters got a little more creative with splitting responsibilities:
5% rely on arguing until someone gives in
4% say it depends on who is paying more for rent/utilities
3% switch it up every month

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