What Downtown Boston’s Median Sales Price Buys You


News thunder-clapped Monday that the average sales price for a downtown Boston condo was nearing $1,000,000. Within the same gaga data set was this nugget: Downtown’s median sales price reached $650,000 in the first quarter of 2014, much higher than it was during the same period in 2013.

Since the median is a better market measure than the average (less susceptibility to spikes from single mega-deals), we thought we’d go hunting for six downtown Boston condos asking around the median of $650K to illustrate what that buys. One is actually in Dorchester and “around” is the operative word here: See, condos go fast in Greater Boston in general, so getting to six at some magic number was hard to do. These do include, interestingly enough, condos at some of the busiest Boston buildings sales-wise. Go.

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