Market Basket publicly imploded this week, but didn’t pull everything into its maw — this is what the week looked like from the WGBH Newsroom.
• Greater Boston talked about the long-term effect of the Market Basket conflict on the store’s brand.
• Dan Kennedy lamented the Providence Journal’s sale to GateHouse as a missed opportunity to return it to local ownership.
• Boston University professor Andrew Bacevich joined Greater Boston to talk about how the U.S. should respond to the series of recent foreign policy crises.
• Guilty! Guilty Guilty! Peter Kadzis explained the three verdicts returned in the probation scandal trial.
• “It’s not like we’re pals.”- Gov. Deval Patrick, on Boston Public Radio, regarding rumored 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
• And, in the most-viewed story of the week, Rupa Shenoy reported on the canals that Boston may need to build to fend off coastal floods.
• If you haven’t already checked it out, WGBH News has a new politics and media podcast called The Scrum. Check it out here.
That’ll do it — see you Monday.
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