The building has a lion and unicorn attached to celebrate the unification of Scotland and England.
Source: Supplied
SOMETIMES those old urban myths really do come true.
This week the Bostonian Society has confirmed what had long been rumoured in the city: The head of a famous lion statue is really a time capsule from 1901.
The lion sits alongside a unicorn on top of the Old State House in Boston and was recently taken down as part of a restoration effort.
However once the sculptor charged with restoring it took a look inside, he confirmed to Bostonian society spokeswoman Heather Leet that there was a time capsule there.
Forgotten time capsule from 1901 found in Boston lion sculpture: #LionandUnicorn
— (@ArtSlant) September 25, 2014
The copper box is about the size of a shoebox and is fixed to the head of the lion. It’s thought to contain photographs, autographs, news paper clippings and letters from politicians and prominent people in the city at the time and is due to be opened next week.
“We’re hoping it didn’t get wet,” Leet told The Boston Globe.
An “archivist will be on hand to see the condition of the items — papers could be deteriorating, that sort of thing … We don’t want the newspapers to turn to dust.”
The lion statue has a time capsule attached.
Source: Supplied
The Society has now started a campaign asking people what they would put in a new time capsule that may not be touched for another 113 years.
Ideas are being sent to the society via Twitter or Facebook under the #LionAndUnicorn.
a one direction album, red sox tickets, a fossilized mike’s cannoli #LionandUnicorn
— sam lafrance (@sammylafrance) September 24, 2014
Currency, home team photos, coffee cup from @DunkinDonuts, marathon medal, and a cannoli from Mike’s. #Boston #LionAndUnicorn
— Lisa Roberts (@LiselTheWeasel) September 24, 2014
I’d put in a $5 Dunks card, Kupel’s bagel cream cheese, a print copy of the Sunday Globe, and a pen to do the Xword puzzle #LionandUnicorn
— David S. Bernstein (@dbernstein) September 23, 2014
I hope @BostonianSoc puts a Boston Marathon bib, a 2013 World Series ring, and Dunkin Donuts coupons in the #LionandUnicorn time capsule.
— Alina Meltaus (@alinacm) September 23, 2014
What would you leave inside? Tweet your answers to @newscomauHQ #lionandunicorn