David Young: time-travelling detective, proud Bostonian and bubble-gum enthusiast.
D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die
on Xbox One
Classification: MA 15+
Reviewer’s rating: 8/10
Given the complexity of modern video games – and the size and scope of the organisation needed to create them – it is rare to find a true auteur among game directors outside the independent game space. Swery65, director of D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die, is one such auteur.
This is the first game Swery has both written and directed since the critically middling but widely beloved Deadly Premonition in 2010, and like that game D4 gives a sense that the concepts and gameplay leapt right from the man’s head on to the screen, with no focus-testing, marketing input or even general checks to make sure the narrative makes sense.
D4 is filled with colourful characters that come off like TV show stereotypes but all have something deeper to hide. Photo: Microsoft
As a completely linear, story-driven experience, D4 swings wildly between giving the player way too much incidental exposition and not explaining itself at all, hitting the sweet spot of David Lynch-like storytelling just often enough to keep you moving forward.
The main character, David Young, is a private detective who literally dives into his own past to try to uncover the secrets surrounding his wife’s death and a deadly drug called real blood. An amnesiac with only bits and pieces of the story with which to work, David is just as surprised and baffled by the convoluted revelations of his past as the player is.
The game is split into episodes (with two currently available and the rest forthcoming) that see David playing detective, having conversations and making incredibly banal observations about his environment. For the player this means a lot of pointing and clicking to examine objects, paying attention to dialogue and occasionally reacting to fast-paced action sequences that can actually get David killed if you’re not careful.
Each scene in D4 has hundreds of facts to observe, only some of them relevant to the case. Photo: Microsoft
The interface is a little wonky, and a clear indicator that this was originally meant to be a Kinect-only game with no controller needed. The Kinect controls are still there – you can move your hand over any of the icons and “push” or “grab” to interact – but with the exception of the brief action sequences I found the Kinect controls to be exhausting and not worth the effort, especially since the film-like pace of the game means it’s best enjoyed laying back on a comfy couch. Some mechanics are completely unnecessary (examining things makes you hungry and if you don’t scour the environments for food you’ll eventually pass out), but again this ends up adding to the auteur vibe.
Tonally the game is amazingly east-meets-west, as the symbolism and quirks common to many Japanese games (one character appears interchangeably as a cat and a young woman with no narrative explanation offered at all) is injected into Swery’s very best impersonation of an American procedural police drama. Each episode is even preceded by a hilariously cheesy Law Order style intro sequence.
Japanese narrative tropes like themed characters, enthusiastic pride for home towns and an obsession with food abound, but are given a brilliant faux-American sheen. The main characters are all from Boston (pronounced Bawston) for example, and an early scene features a heated and one-sided argument over why Boston is the best place in the world for clam chowder.
David’s house, where he can unwind and get help from his friends, acts as the game’s hub, but there’s secrets to discover even here.
D4 is an interactive Twin Peaks much more than it is an adventure game. The characters are interesting and well-defined, the narrative is unapologetically insane and the journey is consequently memorable and unlike anything else in video games today.
Those looking to be told a unique and interactive story should have this game on their radar. Those looking for a video game world they can play in and control may be disappointed.