Miffed man who digs out parking spot, digs usurper back in
In cities where the snow is heavy and some car owners lazy, digging out a parking spot only to have someone else take it is a punishable offense. Perhaps not legally, mind you, but in terms of vigilante style justice.
Recently a man in Boston posted a picture on Craigslist of a car he dug back in the snow after another car took his spot. The unidentified man spent hours clearing the space of snow and when he got home late at night it was taken by a car with New York license plates.
via Boston.com
Sounds extreme? Childish? Nope.
Boston has gotten more snow this year than Rick James snorted up his nose on his Street Songs tour. Currently, the official count is a billion inches.
It’s called dibs and the rules are simple. If you dig out the spot, it’s yours. Park in someone’s spot – in which they spent hours shoveling out – face the consequences. Most angered diggers choose a less laborious form of punishing the spot snaggers than this Boston man.
In extreme cases, some people key cars, slice tires, or even use explosives. Those people of course are insane, but kudos to the Boston snow man for having some class.
“I was nice enough to leave the passenger door accessible in case they needed to get in for an emergency…like they left an inhaler inside or something. But I think he is a total dick and got what he deserved. It was a blue and yellow Monte Carlo with New York plates.” Wrote the Boston man on his Craiglist post.
A blue and yellow Monte Carlo with New York plates? Sounds like he did the dick a favor.
[H/T: Boston.com]
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