Elizabeth Warren summons memory of Edward Kennedy as she rallies Democrats

By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Elizabeth Warren today summoned the memory of the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy, at the first Democratic National Convention since his death, as she tried to rally Democrats not just to her election campaign but the reelection of President Obama. The Harvard Law School professor, on the eve of her own convention speech, told members of the Massachusetts delegation that Kennedy inspired her with an ultimately unsuccessful 10-year fight against changes in US bankruptcy law that she, too, opposed. “Ted Kennedy changed my life. He changed Continue reading >>>

Wait, Can I Park Here?

There are many wonderful luxuries to living in Boston; Beautiful parks, delicious food, historically-laden streets, high-caliber institutions, the best sports teams around…ask any Bostonian why they love living in Boston and you’ll hear answers across the board. But, if you ask any Bostonian what the worst part about living in Boston is, they will say, “Pahking.” According to the city of Boston’s official website, there are approximately 7,300 electronic parking meters offering two-hour parking. No one is ever lucky enough to grab one of these coveted spots. The merciless drive around Continue reading >>>

The Menino endorsement question lingers at Labor Day breakfast

The question of when Mayor Thomas Menino will endorse somebody has become one of the more interesting subplots in the Bay State’s U.S. Senate saga. Mostly because restless reporters and ever fretful activists have decided it is. “Menino is the ‘X’ factor in race for US Senate,” one recent headline said. Another: “Power Broker Keeps Cards Close.” And another, on Monday: “Menino sidesteps opportunity to endorse Warren.” During the Greater Boston Labor Council’s annual breakfast, the speakers trained plenty of fire on incumbent Scott Brown (R-Wrentham) and threw plenty of Continue reading >>>

Shake It Up: Boston’s Cocktail Summit Held October 4-6

Forget the climb, reach for a beverage and toast to the inaugural Boston Cocktail Summit, a three-day fest featuring tastings, parties, demos, dinners, book signings and more surrounding Boston’s drinks scene, running October 4-6, 2012. The summit, hosted by the Greater Boston Beverage Society, has a lineup to whet your whistle. Start with Liberty Libations, October 4 (7:30-10 PM), at the newly unveiled Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum, where you’ll enjoy creative cocktails and New England cuisine. Choose among the many seminars and demos, from “Women Behind Bars” - a look at women Continue reading >>>

Downtown View: Welcome, new Bostonians

There is still a lot of trash on the sidewalks from the move-ins, but soon those reliable trash collectors will do their job, some nice neighbor will do a little sweeping, a rain will arrive and wash away the sticky debris, and we’ll be back to normal. But what is normal for permanent residents is new to the new arrivals, whether you are students, families or young single professionals sharing digs with people like them. So here is a guide to behaving like a true Bostonian. First, get used to walking in the street, especially if you live in the North End or on Beacon Hill. Continue reading >>>

Downtown View: Welcome, New Bostonians

By Karen Cord Taylor There is still a lot of trash on the sidewalks from the move-ins, but soon those reliable trash collectors will do their job, some nice neighbor will do a little sweeping, a rain will arrive and wash away the sticky debris, and we’ll be back to normal. But what is normal for permanent residents is new to the new arrivals, whether you are students, families or young single professionals sharing digs with people like them. So here is a guide to behaving like a true Bostonian. First, get used Continue reading >>>

Unpakt in Boston; New Online Moving Platform Streamlines Entire Process of … – Virtual

Unpakt is Singlehandedly Bringing the Moving Industry into the Digital Era New York, NY (PRWEB) September 04, 2012 One of life’s most unpleasant tasks – moving – becomes far easier today for Greater Boston residents as Unpakt went live with a one-of-a-kind platform that digitizes and simplifies everything but the moving truck. In addition to Boston, Unpakt is currently available for residential moves originating in New York and Los Angeles. Additional cities will open over the next 6-8 weeks and should be available in most cities before the end of the year. Washington, DC, San Francisco, Continue reading >>>

Brown, Warren march in Marlboro

<!-- --> <!-- -->   Tuesday, September 4, 2012 MARLBORO —  Republican U.S. Sen. Scott Brown and Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren both took part in Marlboro's Labor Day parade. The parade stepped off at noon yesterday at the Marlboro Fire Station.Earlier Monday, Warren spoke at the Central Massachusetts AFL-CIO Labor Day Breakfast in Worcester and the Greater Boston Labor Council Breakfast in Boston. Warren had a similar message at both venues, saying Brown has supported policies that hurt working Continue reading >>>

Boston Mayor Thomas Menino says Senate race endorsement coming soon

The Associated PressThis composite image made from Associated Press photos shows Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren and Republican U.S. Senator Scott Brown. By Matt Murphy, STATE HOUSE NEWS SERVICE BOSTON- Boston Mayor Thomas Menino on Monday said he would decide “very shortly” on whether to endorse U.S. Sen. Scott Brown or Democrat Elizabeth Warren in this year’s Senate contest as labor leaders and politicians cast the November election as a fight between the “haves” and the “have-nots.” The Greater Boston Labor Council held its annual Labor Day breakfast at Continue reading >>>

Warm reception for Warren at annual Labor Day breakfast

Posters heralding the Greater Boston Labor Council’s support for Elizabeth Warren’s US Senate candidacy dominated a Park Plaza Hotel ballroom this morning. She may have shared the stage with part of the state’s congressional delegation and Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino, but from the moment Warren stepped into the Imperial Ballroom, she was the focus of television cameras and the nearly 500 people who gathered for the annual Labor Day breakfast. Most speakers were afforded a standing ovation when they finished; Warren brought the audience to its feet simply by being introduced. “Washington Continue reading >>>