The big sports story today clearly is that’s what Vince Wilfork. Captain been around for eleven years. One a couple of Super Bowls the patriots really popular player another thing happening today. Has nothing to do with sports but it’s happening in our city and it’s very significant. Bill Richard and follow the the father of young mark Richard eight years old. When he lost his life at the finish line of the Boston Marathon build Richard is on the on the stand right now testifying. In in this bombing. That the trial of aren’t there. And I got to tell you. Some really really. Moving. Powerful. Words from bill Richard and one of things you said. Here’s his other son Henry. Henry asked is this really happening. Yes bill replied. You have to help me find your sister. And Henry pointer. I mean there’s so many things like this. You know they need to. Pointing to a picture of his family before the bomb and there’s mark. There’s Jane with two. I mean just to say there is Jane with two eggs. And they wound up in that location serves a random is random thing they’ve never done it they never gonna go to the marathon every every never ever at the baseline right he said. We worked with wit and seek out that space there was an opening and so they went there. And then he felt like something bad was happening and said we gotta get out of here. It’s time to leave but you know was too late. And for the first time. For the first time he looked at. Today. Is the first time you see in your car. And just stared at a majority. Bullock back in the and probably the fact that there were a bunch of children there was what made up monster pick that particular spot. You know he didn’t he didn’t pick out a bunch of geriatrics or some empty street corner or some car somewhere he he targeted them. And even his lawyers don’t deny that I like it is in order a heavyweight fight they’d be stopping the fight right now. And and I you know I know that there are some highly paid. Reportedly very successful attorneys who were trying to make sure that. Joseph Hart doesn’t get the death sentence that’s all the trying to do just don’t get the death sentence then and they’re supposedly really good at what they do. I’ll be damned if I can see how they’re gonna pull this off. I suffered shrapnel and severe burning through my legs. He was asked did you hear Munich chaos I can hear packet here. But it was difficult. Another quote I’d seen Denise kneeling over Martin I do not know the extent of Martin’s injuries. And so what he did was said he got his he got his kids he tried Q. It is daughter. Cannot walk. And got his daughter. Helped her along. I’d Henry and tried to shield them from what was happening there’s just. In we’d we’d get wee wee joke all the time on this show folk you know. Goofy stuff that that makes us cry but it I defy anybody to look at a picture of mark Richards that when he. We’ve they took in school where it healed up assignment he had made that said stop hurting people I defy you to look at data cannot be changed as a person. Big Bruins fan favorite player was Patrice Bergeron and the other iconic picture of Martin is at Bruins game. Pan and the players are warming up in the background and and east in the stands smiling from dirty here. Wanted to beat goalie because he thought that was his best chance to play in the national hockey. So he’d Wear these pads there or three times too big form as he was you know a little bit little kid. But that was his dream was to play for the Bruins someday. Play against his heroes Sunday. And I I know there’s nobody in the courtroom whose job it is to do this and it won’t happen but. Can somebody just have that that creep stand up in an answer the question. Well what did you hope to accomplish. By taken mark Richard are out of the world where what we should goal what did you expect us to do. Were you aware of what we think in and who will will never know. I just hope I live long enough to see him get the lethal injection at that did gave the light goes out of his eyes the world to be a better place. The the thing that’s gonna happen it’s gonna hurt the defense the most. Is when they start to pull panels out of the boat. The panels in the boat with a thing that’s gonna sink this all this testimony is gut wrenching heartbreaking. Graphic awful. But when they pull panels out of the vote. And he keeps his explanation. Of why he’s doing it and you know death to Americans and Paula that’s when he screw. It’s the panels in the ball his own self written confession. That will end this guy forever and I can’t.