Local banks tread water in latest FDIC deposit report; Bank of America’s market …

Matthew L. Brown Reporter- Boston Business Journal Email Bank of America continued its dominance of Greater Boston’s banking scene in the year ending June 30, with deposits of $50.3 billion in the local market, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. That deposit total was good for a 21.5 percent market share, a slip from the 25 percent market share the North Carolina-based institution claimed a year ago. Still, Continue reading >>>

LETTER: Thanks to all that walked

  To the editor: The sun shone brightly, bringing smiles and drying tears, as over 6,000 people celebrated the lives of their loved ones at the 25th Walk for Hospice of the North Shore Greater Boston!  On Sunday, Sept. 23, the tranquil neighborhood around St. John’s Prep in Danvers came alive as families, friends, students, parents and community volunteers united on campus to remember the special lives that had touched their own.  The proceeds from the Walk support essential, comprehensive programming, not covered by insurance, allowing Hospice of the North Shore Greater Boston to Continue reading >>>

TELL US: Which North of Boston Community Has the Worst Road Rage?

Whether you're commuting, running some errands or on a Sunday drive enjoying all our region has to offer, we're sure you've experienced it or at least seen it — road rage.  It's often in police logs, and you've probably had a few choice words yourself when you've been cut off or seen someone on the cell phone. Greater Boston residents, we want to know — which community has the worst road rage problem? Where are the worst spots when it comes to driving? Tell us in the comments. Remember to keep it clean. If you violate our terms of use (check it out here) your comment will be deleted and your Continue reading >>>

Tackling Bike Safety In Boston

A man rides a bicycle on his morning work commute through downtown Boston. (AP) The greater Boston area is going through something of a bicycle renaissance. Thanks in part to 56 miles of new trails, the opening of the Hubway bike-share program, and a growing appreciation for healthy living, bike ridership has doubled since 2007. But unfortunately, the number of accidents and injuries is also rising – including a pair of fatalities just last month. Boston Emergency Medical Services count more than 450 bike-related accidents and collisions this year, up significantly Continue reading >>>

Boston Foundation announces $20 million in grants

4 Oct, 2012 22:55 CET Arts advocacy, youth opportunities, workforce development among key investments in $2.2 million discretionary grant docket Our latest round of grants continue the Foundation’s investment in the education, workforce development, economic competitiveness, health, safety and creative economy of Greater Boston. Continue reading >>>

Greater Boston Office Market Posts Strongest Quarter In Five Years

BOSTON — The Greater Boston office market has closed its strongest quarter since 2007, according to a new research publication from commercial real estate brokerage firm Richards Barry Joyce Partners. According to the firm's "officeSTATus — Fall 2012" report, market-wide vacancy dropped to 14.9 percent from 15.5 percent on 1.1 million square feet of positive absorption, the highest absorption total since mid-2007. Over the past ten quarters, four million square feet of office space has been absorbed across Greater Boston. "What's pleasing to see is that the strong quarter wasn't held to Continue reading >>>

Mansfield Bank Opens Boston Loan Center, Adds Executives

Thursday, October 4, 2012, 11:00am   Mansfield Bank is expanding its footprint to Greater Boston and will offer both residential and commercial loan products at its new loan office at 75 Arlington St. in Boston.Norman Hayes, vice president, will spearhead Mansfield Bank's commercial lending efforts at the Boston office. Hayes has worked for 14 years in commercial lending, the last six as a Metro-South commercial Continue reading >>>