In suburbs, boring is beautiful!

OK, so here's what other suburbanites had to say after hearing that life in hip urban neighborhoods like Davis Square is infinitely superior to humdrum Natick, Needham or Medway. Thirtysomething: Franksmartin doesn't understand that some people have almost ZERO interest in restaurants/nightclubs/shopping. I would rather spend a couple hours in the garden -- and it is hard to find 15000 sq ft properties (lot size not interior space) in urban areas, especially at a price that normal people can afford. Besides, if we lived in Quincy, or Back Bay, or Somerville, it would be a LONG trek out to the Continue reading >>>

Senate President Therese Murray’s speech to the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce

I want to first address an issue that has generated much discussion over the past few weeks – our economic growth. Many are questioning which job growth and unemployment numbers tell the real story of our economic situation but, after a lot of research, analysis and comparing our numbers to states with similar makeup and resources, the answer is still the same. We are doing better than most other states. The unemployment rate in Massachusetts stands at 6.9 percent, significantly below the national unemployment rate of 8.3 percent. This is our lowest unemployment rate since December 2008. We Continue reading >>>

Boston Marathon runners from Duxbury raising money for numerous causes

Several Duxbury residents are taking part in the 116th Boston Marathon Monday, April 16, to raise money for a number of causes.   Meghan Fallon Meghan Fallon will help Samaritans raise needed funds to support suicide prevention programs. The John Hancock Boston Marathon Non-Profit Program donated official race entries to the Samaritans, a suicide prevention organization serving the Greater Boston and Metro West area. Fallon is one of 15 people running for Samaritans. She is running in memory of a family friend took his own life in 1994. She got involved with Samaritans through the Continue reading >>>

Greater Boston transit fares hiked by 23 percent

Home » World News Greater Boston transit fares hiked by 23 percent By Kate Randall 6 April 2012 "T" train leaving station The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) board of directors on Wednesday approved a fiscal year 2013 budget that includes a 23 percent average systemwide fare hike to buses, rapid transit, and other commuter services in Greater Boston and beyond. The proposal also cuts or reduces services on more than a dozen bus routes and eliminates weekend service on three commuter rail lines. Continue reading >>>

Senate President Therese Murray proposes workforce development programs

By Katie Johnston, Globe Staff In an attempt to strengthen the state’s workforce development efforts, Senate President Therese Murray wants to dedicate $20 million to $40 million to support job training programs at community college, and assist health care employees moving into to new occupations. In a speech to the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce Thursday, Murray outlined the vision for a statewide office that would promote job training sessions at community colleges and develop new training programs based on employers’ needs. She also detailed a workforce transformation Continue reading >>>

MERIDIAN INTERSTATE BANCORP, INC. : Brian Cody is the winner of EBSB Grand Prize – 4

04/05/2012 | 04:04pm 04.5.2012 Brian Cody is the winner of EBSB Grand Prize Photo Caption: Francisco Gomez (teller), Brian Cody (winner), Rachel Ramos (Asst. Manager), Lily Huang (sales and service consultant) and Chanel Robinson (teller sup) Cambridge - Cambridge's Assistant Branch Manager Rachel Ramos and her staff drew the winner of East Boston Savings Bank's Grand Opening drawing celebrating the opening of its newest branch office at 2173 Mass Ave in Cambridge. Brian Cody of Allston was the lucky winner of a 40" Sony Continue reading >>>

NStar, Northeast Utilities merger approved

Print this Article Email this Article Buy This Photo "; aryZooms[imgCounter] = "javascript: NewWindow(870,675,window.document.location+'Template=photosimg="+imgCounter+"')"; var match = /Cod Times/.test(""); if (match==false || ""==""){ document.getElementById('purchasePhoto').style.display = "none"; } bolImages=true; State regulators have approved a multibillion-dollar merger between NStar and Northeast Utilities, clearing Continue reading >>>

Tough jobs, quick exits

Frisby said the most common reason that managers say they lose their jobs is a change in the makeup of the elected body that appointed them. Other frequent reasons cited in her association’s most recent member survey include political pressure, personality conflicts, and blame for poor fiscal conditions. Lower down on the list, the managers say, are “performance issues,’’ she added.