Hurricane Electric establishes PoP at Boston’s One Summer Street facility

IPv6 Internet backbone provider Hurricane Electric has made Boston the latest destination on its growing global network journey with a new point of presence (PoP) at the One Summer Street data center. By establishing this new hub at the One Summer Street facility, Hurricane Electric said it will increase the amount of connectivity options for its customers in both the Greater Boston area and throughout the rest of New England. Besides offering customers a number of connectivity options--including 10GE, 100G, GigE and 100BaseT--this new PoP will provide improved fault tolerance, load balancing, Continue reading >>>

Home Prices Outstripping Incomes

First-time buyers are struggling the most at this point - higher prices always take a higher toll on those just starting out. Here's a quote from the Bloomberg piece that gets to the heart of the matter: "The big housing rally wiped itself out because prices increased too quickly for buyers to keep up," said Richard Hastings, a consumer strategist at Global Hunter Securities LLC in Charlotte, North Carolina, who predicted the slowdown eight months ago. "The pool of eligible new buyers is collapsing" because of stagnant incomes and lack of credit, he said.This is no quick market squall, Continue reading >>>

Website Lets You Build a Better Bus System

Last Summer, the MBTA redesigned 15 of Greater Boston’s key bus routes. Think you could do a better job? Transitmix lets you sketch your own bus lines—click a few points on the map, and your imaginary route will snap to the street grid. Created by civic-minded volunteers at Code for America, the tool also lets you input variables such as operating hours and wait time in order to estimate yearly operating cost. It’s still in the planning stage, but you can play around with the early version here. Related A New Way to Find Out How Late Continue reading >>>

Hurricane Electric Brings Global Network to Boston with New Point-of-Presence …

BOSTON — Hurricane Electric, the world’s largest IPv6-native Internet backbone, announced today that it is expanding its global network with a new Point-of-Presence (PoP) at Markley Group, located at One Summer Street, Boston, Mass. As New England's largest and longest operating multi-tenant, mission-critical telecommunications and data center facility, One Summer Street is a natural fit for Hurricane Electric to provide increased connectivity options for enterprises in the Greater Boston area and throughout New England.In addition to offering Continue reading >>>

Greater Boston author readings June 22 –28

SUNDAY Doug Chickering (“Reflections on a Golden-Winged Warbler”) reads at 2 p.m. at Bestsellers Cafe, 24 High St., Medford … Coventry Edwards-Pitt (“Raised Healthy, Wealthy Wise: Lessons From Successful and Grounded Inheritors on How They Got That Way”) reads at 2 p.m. at Newtonville Books … Dorothea Benton Frank (“Hurricane Sisters”) reads at 2 p.m. at Book Ends, 559 Main St., Winchester (rsvp to 781-721-5933 or staff@bookendswinchester .com) … Rachel Kadish (“I Was Here”) and Kevin Prufer (“Churches”) read at 7 p.m. in Lesley University’s Marran Theater, 34 Mellen Continue reading >>>